Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing & Websites

Tagged as: naples web design

01 Nov

How to Respond to Negative Reviews Online

negative reviews

In the day and age of social media, your online presence is important. It can be disheartening to log in only to see a bad review of your company that you have worked so hard to build. In many cases, the natural reaction is to become defensive and want to

02 Jan

Hottest Trends in Web Design 2018

web design

Styles change. Its true in fashion, home design, automobile design, and in web design. What was state of the art and super cool a few years ago now looks hum drum and feels very past tense. The rate at which technology has been evolving and changing over the past several

31 Jul

Page Ranking Explained

Damonaz Design

These days ranking is a hot buzzword. Everyone wants and needs their web page to rank. But what does that mean?   Larry page, one of the founders for Google, came up with “Page” (after his last name) rank as a way of measuring and comparing the importance of websites.

06 Jan

What IS Social Media Management

web apps

Social Media Management and Marketing is a relatively new field. Social media encompasses any and all online sites that are focused on virtual networking and interpersonal communication. They can be aimed at business marketing or simply socializing, though often the two areas over lap and intermix.   Social media management