Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing & Websites

Tagged as: search engine optimization

01 Mar

Social Media Isn’t About ROI

Social media

Let’s set the record straight. You need social media in this day and age to advertise your business. But, I also need to add that it is not about direct ROI (return on income) it’s about brand recognition and getting your name out there… Social media helps lend credibility to

01 Feb

Why Use Social Media As a Business?

social media marketing

If you are a business owner you may look at social media and think “What’s the point?”. That’s a valid question. Ultimately you want potential customers and clients to find your business. That is the goal. Social media channels are avenues to accomplish that. Be it Facebook, Twitter, G+, Instagram,

01 Nov

How to Respond to Negative Reviews Online

negative reviews

In the day and age of social media, your online presence is important. It can be disheartening to log in only to see a bad review of your company that you have worked so hard to build. In many cases, the natural reaction is to become defensive and want to

01 May

Why Use Social Media as a Business?

social media

Did you know that only 7% of businesses in 2018 still don’t utilize some form of social media? That’s right. Being online can help you in a number of ways without costing you a fortune or taking up all of your time. Social Media Such as Facebook and Twitter are