Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing & Websites

Tagged as: web design

02 Jan

Hottest Trends in Web Design 2018

web design

Styles change. Its true in fashion, home design, automobile design, and in web design. What was state of the art and super cool a few years ago now looks hum drum and feels very past tense. The rate at which technology has been evolving and changing over the past several

19 May

How to decide: Websites – Do it yourself OR Hire a Designer?

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With options online such as Wix or Squarespace it can be tempting to go the build it yourself route, and for some personal sites and even businesses that may work just fine. They are fairly easy to learn and use as long as you are relatively computer savvy. They keep

10 Dec

Why hire a web designer?

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“Can’t I just do it myself?” – We hear this a lot lately with the advent of a multitude of build it yourself sites. Of course you can put a website together yourself. These days it has been made so easy just about anyone can make a site. The problem

02 Dec

Web Design – What are the constraints?

At Damonaz Designs, we strive for excellence. We move mountains to get your site looking exactly how you picture it.  We sit and work with you every step of the way.  We also like to educate our clients as to what is possible and not. What do we mean? Even the